Subthalamic Nucleus Based upon MRI |
Young Hoon Kim, Moo Seong Kim, Seong Jin No, Seong Hwa Paeng, Sae Young Pyo, Yeong Gyun Jeong, Sun Il Lee, Yong Tae Jung, Hae Woong Jeong, Hong Bo Sim |
Departments of Neurosurgery, Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Inje University, Busan Paik Hospital, Busan, Korea Departments of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Ulsan University, Ulsan, Korea |
Abstract |
Objective Stereotactic MRI is the key investigation for localization in the subthalamic nucleus. The subthalamic nucleus is
prefer target site in movement disorder, epilepsy, etc. We assessed the subthalamic nucleus outline based on MRI images.
Materials and Methods: We have studied stereotactic MRI (Philips, Gyroscan, Netharland) in 34 Parkinsonism patients from
January, 2003 to December, 2006. T1-weighted axial, coronal, stir image and T2-weighted coronal, sagittal sections were provided.
Results In Koreans, the subthalamic nucleus is small ovoid, mean dorsoventral diameters is 5.42mm (4.0-7.4mm), mean
mediolateral:8.52mm (6.8-10.7mm) rostrocaudal;6.4mm (4.8-8mm). The angle of the horizontal plane:20 degree oblique,
sagittal plane:62.5 degree oblique, frontal plane:59 degree oblique. The reported western subthalamic nucleus is rostrocaudal:
10mm, mediolateral:10.5mm, dorsoventral:7mm, horizontal plane:20° oblique, sagittal plane:35° oblique, frontal plane:
55° oblique.
Conclusions It is very helpful to know well the subthalamic nucleus outline based on the MRI, it maximized the effect of the
DBS surgery aiding with microelectrode recording. |
Key Words:
MRI, Subthalamic nucleus, DBS. |